Yesterday, on November 30th, we held a co-creation workshop “Is Latvia Welcoming to International Students?”, during which international students from all around the world shared their experiences of living and studying in Latvia.

These are the four problem-solution based themes we discussed with the students.

·        Destination choice & study program choice: we talked about how they made the decision to come to Latvia, how they chose their study program, as well as what they thought of the quality of their studies.

·        Formalities before and during your stay in Latvia: we focused on finding out students’ experiences with visa application, governmental agencies, housing and other practicalities.

·        Social and cultural integration in Latvia: during this topic, we learnt about students’ engagement in cultural activities in Latvia, what their social circles are like here and how they keep in touch with their friends and family back home.

·        Your future plans: last but not least, students had a chance to talk about how they see their future regarding their studies and work, and their life in general.

Huge thanks to all the participants! We highly appreciate your contribution, openness and friendliness!
